wear it with confidence
what makes fashion you

Styling! my favorite part, this it were you get the clothing working for you and connecting with you so you look and feel your best.
For me it's all about proportions knowing your body is a must so you can choose pieces that work for your own body shape and you can wear with confidence.
Our style changes through the years, depending of what stage of our lives we are at, weather is being a mum, working, studying etc There might be moments when you feel as if you have lost your style and your not quite sure in which direction to go. It is very likely to be because you are going through changes in your life. This is a good time to readjust, get creative, play with what you've got in your wardrobe and reinvent.
But wherever you are at with your style I am here to give you a hand. Weather it is giving new life to your wardrobe or finding something for a specific occasion, just drop me an email or give me a call and I'll be very happy to help.